These conditions are deemed part of the contract issued by Waiata Publishing Ltd.
Series bookings apply to a specific volume of space which is contracted by the advertiser for a specific period. In cases where the actual space taken for the period falls below the contract volume, the publisher will surcharge all space taken to the rate appropriate to the volume of space used.
This cannot be effected after 5pm on the last day of the month, two months prior to the publication date.
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Accounts for advertising space and production are due for payment within 20 days following invoice. Advertisers and their advertising agencies are jointly and severally liable for payments due under any contract. Any costs, fees, legal expenses or commissions incurred in obtaining payment are to be charged to the client’s account.
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A – The Publisher (Waiata Publishing Ltd/Show Circuit Magazine) reserves the right to decline the insertion of any advertisement
B – The placement of an advertisement is at the publisher’s discretion – except where a preferred position loading has been paid
C – Casual displacement, rejection or omission of an advertisement does not invalidate a space order
D – While every care is exercised, the publisher will not accept liability for any loss whatsoever incurred through error either in the content of an advertisement, or the incorrect appearance of an advertisement
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